a journey in the underworld

Online Women Retreat (8 weeks)

Sometimes we experience the Underworld as a result of unexpected events in our life: illness, abuse, depression, loss, trauma, cultural dislocation, etc. At these times we feel we have no choice, we are being dragged into the Underworld, we can feel captive and wanting release but often we do not know how to return from it and can even stay stuck there for years.

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But when we enter the Underworld willingly, we learn how to navigate these territories and even to create maps for future use. Our conscious descent then becomes truly an alchemical journey of transmutation and a shamanic intentional act of retrieval of abandoned and rejected parts of ourselves that have been waiting to be met, rescued and released or transformed. During our 8 weeks together, we will use the mythologies of Inanna Descent, Isis and Persephone as our map, we will meet our Shadow Self in the Depth of the Underworld, hear her powerful messages and finally ascend and return to integrate in our lives the profound gifts found during the journey.

A combination of ritual, experiential work, mindfulness and embodiment practices, journaling, dyadic enquiry and group sharing process, this is more of a small therapeutic process group rather than an online course with a fixed curriculum. The number of participants will be very small to allow for individual participations and mentoring. We immerse ourselves in a non linear process willing to be changed and be renewed. As your guide, I will be sensitive to the 'knowing field' we will co-create and will adjust our journey to what wants to be expressed, felt and transmuted.

We will meet once a week for two hours on Zoom from the comfort of your home. In between sessions I will send you by email material to read, process, prompts to read, recorded meditations. We will have a private and secure FB group on which you can post questions, progress, photos of your altar or your practice and I will be very active in this group answering individual question that may arise and celebrating your progress.

We will follow the 7 gates of the descent in the first 7 sessions and in the last and 8th session we will ascend, integrate our teachings and celebrate our renewed self and abundant gifts we have received to bring forth in the world.

If you feel the calling to participate, please register your interest and I will notify you when the next group starts.

the sirens' online retreat

Online Women retreat (4 weeks)

Over the course of four live, online sessions, we will explore:

-The Siren archetype and how it applies to your personal mythology.

-The early wounds, effects of attunement/misattunements, abandonment, rejection in early development, the coping strategies you may have adopted and how to transform them.

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-The journey through the abyss and how to gather the pearls: Sometimes we experience the Abyss as a result of unexpected events in our life: illness, abuse, depression, loss, trauma, cultural dislocation, etc. the result of incomplete initiations can see us stuck there for years. A conscious descent becomes an alchemical journey of transmutation and a shamanic intentional act of retrieving abandoned and rejected parts of ourselves.

-Reclaiming your Voice and instinctual knowing. Overcoming self-abandonment and creating self-attachment.

-The value of sisterhood , mirroring, the healing power of our stories, rewriting our self-narratives and mutual initiation that can happen when we come together in the magic field of women circles.

-Owning, befriending and transmuting difficult emotions like anger and grief rather than rejecting, disowning and renouncing their inherent power and gifts.

-Healthy relationship to our inner seductress and sexuality, pleasure, power, eroticism and creativity. -Wave, Island or Anchor, discover your attachment style in the PACT model and how to create safe attachment and secure relationships with self and others through self-soothing and co-regulation.

We are wired for love and connection: create (or transform existing ones) healing relationships rather than re-wounding relationships in your life.

In the first part of the call I will be sharing all I have learned as a therapist and from my own journey on the above and much more and we will follow from there with group sharing process,Gestalt experiential work, mindfulness and embodiment practices, and prompts for further work in between sessions. We immerse ourselves in a non linear process willing to be changed and be renewed.

As your guide, I will be sensitive to the 'knowing field' we co-create and will adjust our journey to what wants to be expressed, felt and transmuted. We will meet once a week for two hours on Zoom from the comfort of your home.

In between sessions we will have a private and secure FB group on which you can post, interact with each other and where I will be answering individual question that may arise and celebrating your progress.

© Nicoletta Abbate

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Logo by Alessia Abbate @tildamilla

Painting "Siren" by ChieYoshii.com . Thank you Chie for your kind permission!